U.S. warns Taiwan, China


U.S. warns Taiwan, China

The U.S. finds itself in an unique situation. They're telling Taiwan to forget about independence, but at the same time, they are leading supplier for arms for Taiwan, and have already pledged to aid Taiwan, should Taiwan be attacked by China. In addition, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has already stated that "Unless Washington takes concrete steps to prevent Taipei from edging toward full-fledged independence, China won't consider America's views or possible actions when making decisions on ways to take back Taiwan", effectively taking U.S. involvement out of the equation. It seems to me that China wishes to provoke the Taiwan independence movement into action so that they can take back Taiwan. What seems really amazing to me is that Wen will only have an hour to speak with our miserable failure of a president, and the Chinese agenda seems to cover much more than can be beat into the head of our brain dead idiot of a president in an hour.

In the end, I believe that reunification is inevitable, as the Chinese government and it's diplomatic relations with other nations and its position as a burgeoning economic market holds much more value to the United States than a small country like Taiwan. I only hope that reunification comes through peace, and not through militaristic action.

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