New Orleans Descendant


Sniper fire halting a hospital evacuation
, Marooned Doctors and
Chaos in desperate New Orleans

I can't really believe how much the situation has totally disintegrated in New Orleans -- all this after President Bush, in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America," said that there should be "zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this."

For me personally, I think that a crisis like this is not about ensuring justice, but rather ensuring survival -- I think the public is going to forgive the Jean Valjeans of New Orleans.

I've come to the conclusion that President Bush is a victim of doublethink, and that his public words when reversed reveal the truth of the matter.

Of course the thing that surprises me is that we've deployed the National Guard to deal with peacekeeping within our country -- I suppose we find new uses for them everyday... I always thought we only used them to secure foreign countries for their supplies of oil. More than one function, imagine that!


actually, the national guard is more a domestic force. they are part of the us armed forces, but prior to the iraq war, i think they were deployed mostly to keep the peace within the us borders, like at demonstrations, and when there was a large-scale riot, etc.

yes, i know they really are a domestic peacekeeping force. my comment was meant as sarcasm at the current misuse of the national guard.

ah, my mistake at taking things too superficially...that is, at face value. a sad means to go about it, but i hope that people will finally realize just how bad bush is for the country with the katrina fiasco. but, what to do with 3 more years to come? i hardly think that impeachment will happen.

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