WonderCon 2008: Shutter and X-Files 2

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I got the feeling that they swapped around the order of the panel because they didn't want the horde of people assembled in Hall A vacating en masse after the X-Files panel; originally X-Files was to be first, and then followed by Shutter. Shutter is a Hollywood remake of a Thai horror movie of the same name which came out several years ago. The location of the movie has now been transplanted to Japan, but still deals with the subject matter of "spirit photography", the photographing of unexplained phenomena.

James Kyson Lee (Heroes) and Rachael Taylor (Transformers) were on the panel talking about the movie, and how it was a little difficult working with a Japanese director who doesn't speak English, and how in living in Japan for the months while they were filming, Rachael felt very disconnected, partially because she's a foreigner in Japan. James is obviously looking forward to Season 3 of Heroes, because with Hiro and Ando together again, it means more screen time for him. But let's be honest, Shutter was the lead-in for X-Files, and after a few questions they were quickly ushered off-stage and showed the trailer for the new X-Files movie.

The crowd in Hall A was insane; it was fully packed with large crowds standing at the sides. Hall A is huge, it seats close to 8000 people. As the lights came back up, Chris Carter, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny walked on the stage, and a huge line for questions appeared.

Anderson said that for the first two days, she really sucked at playing Scully -- it was hard for her to get back into that role after not being Dana Scully for 6 years; Duchovny agreed that she was bad, and ribbed her by commenting "why don't you tell them which scenes those were?"

The funniest moment of panel had to be when an costumed attendee asked the cast "What do you like to believe?" Chris Carter responded first: "Can I first ask a question? Are you from Sherwood Forest?"

"Why, yes I am" the costumed questioner replied.

Duchovny chuckled and said "I believe in this. What are you dressed as?"

"Link", the attendee replied.

Duchovny looked puzzled. "Who?"

"Do you realize how cool it is talking to you in this costume?" Link asked.
"Is this a fetish?" Anderson asked.

"It will be on the internet soon, I promise." Link said.

"David, what do you believe in?"

"I thought we had circumvented that..." David replied.

Carter made the statement that no one really dies on the X-Files, but they're keeping who is appearing/returning in the movie a secret, though they have mentioned Amanda Peet as Special Agent Dakota Whitney and Billy Connolly as A Man with Long Hair.


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