Issues for Presidential Candidates to Think About

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It occurs me that I don't really know how the different candidates for President stand on the issues. While the nomination for the Democratic candidate is still up in the air, the Republicans have pretty much decided on John McCain as their candidate.

Here's how they stand on the really popular issues:

Barack Obama

John McCain

Hillary Clinton

Obama is the only candidate who is thinking about Technology, but McCain is the only one who is thinking about the U.S. Space Program, and Hillary is busy thinking about strengthening the middle class.

And while all of that is important, those aren't the real issues I'm worried about. I want to know how they feel about issues such as nanotechnology, which only 29.1 percent of Americans find morally acceptable, or what the President will do if we are attacked by alien visitors. Can John McCain fly a F-16 Eagle like President Whitmore did in '96? Will Hillary be strong enough to lead us amongst the stars toward the Twelve Colonies in a reversal of President Roslin's actions despite her chamalla addiction? Will Obama's plans be enough to save us from a comet headed for earth? Can Obama keep Evil at bay by recruiting Corben Dallas as President Lindberg did in '97?, or will he call upon the services of Jack Bauer as President Palmer did in 2002? What are the candidate's policies on mutants, and how do they stand on the Mutant Registration Act? How do we know that John McCain isn't a blue-skinned shapeshifter in disguise as Senator Kelly was?

McCain reminds me all too much of the href="">dethroned Emperor Palpatine who had to be ousted from power in 1983 in a coup d'etat by Lord Vader and a band of insurgents led by his son. But ultimately, I'm opposed to
whoever wants to continue funding Skynet

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